Tuesday, July 18, 2006


i looked at my palms today. surprise surprise. i saw a few lines in my palms very red. for some reason, i dont remember them being there before. maybe my life is drastically changing? or maybe its just my body reacting to something. who knows? hah. but damn wierd.

trained more today than i did yesterday. until the marists came and invaded the 30m board. then move on to the 50m board. it was quite fun shooting there actually. haha. seeing the trajectory of the arrow. loll. then just moved to short board to train form. haha. comp in less than 2 weeks and i so want to win something. haha. traintraintrain. whee.

and thanks you two for giving me such a laugh today. havent laughed that much in weeks. haha. really. loll.

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